I know you're going to get a ton of value from these resources!

Our unit guides have everything you need to plan a comprehensive unit! That includes a unit overview, standards covered, enduring understandings, essential questions, pacing, and essential vocabulary.

One of my favorite parts of these unit plans is the very last section titled “Additional Resources.” I keep that section up to date with ideas that are shared in my Middle School Science Facebook Group. It often includes free hands-on activities, engaging Youtube videos, online simulations, and more.

The units themselves are linked at the end of each unit plan and come with everything you’ll need to teach, but (more importantly) to enjoy your weekends again. You’ll find presentations, classwork activities, homework, and a variety of assessments included with each unit.

My goal is to become your go-to place for middle school science resources. If there’s something you need that you can’t find, please feel free to reach out to me at my email address:

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Click below to get the FREE, full-year pacing guide for Earth & Space Science! Your whole year, planned for you!

We have resources for every discipline of science! Click below to access more planning resources.