Heat Transfer and States of Matter CER Prompts


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Heat Transfer and States of Matter CER


The claim, evidence, and reasoning (CER) model is a method for teaching students to think and write scientifically. By going beyond simple one-word responses, this model encourages students to engage in a more comprehensive and analytical approach. Using this Heat Transfer and States of Matter CER resource, your students will learn to make a claim, justify their answer with data, and connect the data with scientific reasoning. This process helps students understand the importance of evidence-based arguments and cultivates their scientific literacy.


The importance of the CER model is especially evident when aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Virtually every unit of study incorporates standards that lend themselves well to the CER model. Integrating the CER model into the curriculum provides students with a systematic framework to approach scientific investigations and inquiries.


A perfect addition to any Matter Unit, this resource offers a comprehensive tool to introduce and practice the CER model with your students. It equips educators with all the necessary materials and guidelines to facilitate the implementation of the CER model effectively.


To cater to the diverse needs of students, this resource includes four differentiated versions of each question prompt. The differentiated versions provide varying levels of scaffolding, allowing educators to meet students at their individual skill levels. The versions range from a basic question with no scaffolding to questions with the claim, evidence, or reasoning partially completed, challenging students to fill in the missing components.


Additionally, an error analysis activity is included, which prompts students to critically evaluate a CER response written by someone else. This activity helps students develop their analytical skills by identifying and discussing potential errors or areas for improvement.


Rubrics and handy reminders for students regarding what to do for each part of the CER are included in both the print and digital versions.


Topics Covered in this Heat Transfer and States of Matter CER Resource:

  • interpreting tables
  • melting point & boiling point
  • identifying key characteristics of solids, liquids, and gases

Who is this resource for?

This resource can be used by classroom teachers, tutors, and parents of students in grades 6-9. It provides a variety of practice covering the mentioned topics.


How Can I Use this Heat Transfer and States of Matter CER Resource?

  • Formative or Summative assessment
  • Pretest
  • Warm Up/Bellringer activity
  • Emergency Sub Plans
  • An independent work station in a set of stations
  • Differentiation – Assign this quiz as reteaching for students who have yet to show mastery.
  • Homework
  • Creation of Independent Work Packet for students who are not able to be present for direct instruction.
  • Extension activity for early finishers or for students who show a special interest in the topic
  • Use as a square on a Choice Board
  • Use the questions individually as a warm up or closure activity


What’s Included?

  • An introduction to the CER model of scientific writing
  • A digital version of all included items
  • CER conversation starters (printable!)
  • Blank CER graphic organizer templates
  • 6 CER question prompts for students
  • 2 CER rubrics


Purchase includes a printable PDF file in color. On page 2 of this resource you will find a link to a student friendly Google Slide version of this file. You will be able to copy this file and use it with Google Classroom or any other paperless initiative.


Please take a look at the preview file to see more of this resource.


Please note that an answer key is not provided. The goal of this resource is to provide students the opportunity to explore various perspectives and develop their unique responses.


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