Make life cycles and survivorship curves more meaningful, hands on, and inquiry driven with this fun case study on mangrove trees!
This lesson, although intended as a part of an NGSS Storyline on mangrove forests, can be used as a standalone lesson on the following topics:
In this lesson, the teacher may prefer to prepare the pieces of the mangrove life cycle ahead of time (printing, cutting, and laminating) or have students cut and glue in the classroom. There is also a digital version provided for virtual students or for anyone who prefers to reduce classroom materials.
First, students will be prompted to analyze text and images showing the mangrove life stages. Then, they will order the descriptions and photos to the best of their ability. Use the Google Slides presentation provided to check answers when everyone has completed the activity.
Then, the students will move into a data analysis portion of the lesson where they study survivorship curves and compare the different types. Students will draw conclusions about the adaptations that mangroves may develop in order to overcome their unique survival challenges. Specifically, that the majority of mangrove plants do not make it past the fruit or seedling change.
This resource can be used by classroom teachers, tutors, and parents of students in grades 6-9. It comprehensively covers the topics mentioned, and provides opportunities for student responses which can be implemented in a whole group lesson or assigned for homework.
This lesson is a part of a NGSS storyline unit that addresses the question: What would happen if mangrove forests disappeared?
This resource was originally designed to be used to support the conservation and restoration efforts of the UAE’s rich mangrove forest ecosystems. It has since been modified for use around the world.
Purchase includes a printable PDF file in color. On page 2 of this resource you will find a link to student friendly Google Slides & Google Docs versions of these files. You will be able to copy these files and use them with Google Classroom or any other paperless initiative.
Please take a look at the preview file to see more of this resource.
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