resources for teaching environmental systems teks

Resources for Teaching Environmental Systems – TEKS

Are you new to teaching Environmental Systems under the TEKS, unsure or where to begin or looking for some resources to get you started? Read on to get a head start!

TEKS Environmental Systems – standards

teks environmental systems standards and resources for teaching

Interrelationships within Ecosystems, Biomes, and Habitats

E.4(C)  diagram abiotic cycles including the rock, hydrologic, carbon, and  nitrogen cycles  

E.4(E)  measure the concentration of solute, solvent, and solubility of dissolved  substances such as dissolved oxygen, chlorides, and nitrates and  describe their impact on an ecosystem  

E.4(H)  research and explain the causes of species diversity and predict changes  that may occur in an ecosystem if species and genetic diversity is  increased or reduced 

Local  Environmental Systems

E.5(B)  identify source, use, quality, management, and conservation of water  

E.5(C)  document the use and conservation of both renewable and no‐ renewable resources as they pertain to sustainability  

E.5(E)  analyze and evaluate the economic significance and interdependence of resources within the environmental system 

Energy Flow and Environmental Resources

E.6(A)  define and identify the components of the geosphere, hydrosphere,  cryosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere and the interactions among  them  

E.6(C)  explain the flow of energy in an ecosystem, including conduction, convection and radiation  

E.6(E)  investigate and identify energy interactions in an ecosystem  

E.7(A)  relate carrying capacity to population dynamics 

Natural Patterns  in Environments

E.8(A)  analyze and describe the effects on areas impacted by natural events  such as tectonic movement, volcanic events, fires, tornadoes,  hurricanes, flooding , tsunamis, and population growth  

E.8(C)  examine how natural processes such as succession and feedback loops  restore habitats and ecosystems 

Human Impact on Environments 

E.9(A)  identify causes of air, soil, and water pollution, including point and  nonpoint sources  

E.9(C)  examine the concentrations of air, soil, and water pollutants using  appropriate units  

E.9(F)  evaluate cost benefit trade offs of commercial activities such as  municipal development, farming, deforestation, over‐harvesting, and  mining  

E.9(H)  analyze and evaluate different views on the existence of global warming  

E.9(K)  analyze past and present local, state, and national legislation including  Texas automobile emissions regulations, the National Park Service Act,  the Clean Air Act, the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act, and  the Endangered Species Act 


Of course, this list is still not 100% complete, but I wanted to share these resources as I was made aware that some teachers are struggling to prepare for this course. I will continue to add links as resources are added!

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