Use free and purchased items for your own classroom students, or your own personal use.
Reference this product in blog posts, at seminars, professional development, workshops, or other such venues, ONLY if both credit is given to myself as the author, and a link back to my TpT store is included in the presentation.
Purchase licenses at a great discount for other teachers to use this resource.
Claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove copyright / watermarks.
Sell the files or combine them into another unit for sale / free.
Post this document for sale / free elsewhere on the internet (this includes Google Doc links on blogs).
Making copies of purchased items to share with others is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the TOU / law.
clip art terms of Use
You must follow the original artist’s terms and conditions. (Please investigate the original artists’ terms of use below.) In almost every case, you will not be allowed to “lift” the clipart from any purchased resource and use it for personal or commercial use. Instead, you must purchase a license from the original artist, linked below.
Fonts terms of Use
You must follow the original artist’s terms and conditions. (Please investigate the original artists’ terms of use below.) In many cases, fonts are free for personal use. To use the fonts commercially, you must purchase a license from the original artist.
clip art credits
We couldn’t do what we do without the work of these fantastic clip artists! Please check out their stores by following the links.