Middle School NGSS Pretest and Reflection


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NGSS Pretest and Reflection


Save time with this Middle School NGSS Pretest and Reflection! Both PDF and digital versions are included to support any style of teaching!


The questions in this assessment are designed to be rigorous and require students to predict, reflect, connect, and think critically about the NGSS standards. Students will require minimal content knowledge, and when science content is unavoidable, students are asked simple questions from the grade 5 curriculum.


Assessed standards are as follows:

  1. Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering)
  2. Developing and using models
  3. Planning and carrying out investigations
  4. Analyzing and interpreting data
  5. Using mathematics and computational thinking
  6. Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering)
  7. Engaging in argument from evidence
  8. Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information


Reflection requires students to examine a proficiency scale (rubric) and write descriptor statements for proficient responses.


Additionally, students score their own work and set goals for the year.


Who is this Middle School NGSS Pretest and Reflection resource for?

This Middle School NGSS Pretest and Reflection resource can be used by classroom teachers, tutors, and parents of students in grades 6-9. It provides a variety of practice covering the mentioned topics.


What’s Included?

  • 5 page Pretest
  • Student Reflection


Purchase includes a printable PDF file in color with answer key. On page 2 of this resource you will find a link to a student friendly Google Forms version of this file.


More questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions or email me at laneyleeteaches@gmail.com.



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My store features 3 full-year middle school science curriculums comprised of over 22 units of study.

Each and every unit comes includes the following:

  • unit guide complete with key vocabulary, suggested pacing, essential questions, and more!
  • Google Slides presentations to cover major topics, with guided notes for students!
  • Reading Comprehension activities with follow up questions. These resources are useful for homework, classwork, sub plans, and more!
  • Assessment: Pretest, study guide, CERs, and final assessment.
  • Projects and labs
  • Webquestscolor by numberstations, and other practice activities.


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