Combatting Learned Helplessness

You know the feeling – you’ve just explained a perfectly curated activity to your classroom full of students. You lay out all of the instructions, address common misconceptions you think may arise, and finally release students to work. Phew! Then, approximately three minutes later, IT happens. You have a line of students at your desk […]

Teaching Plate Tectonics in Middle School

Plate tectonics – the magical force of nature responsible for shaping our planet. Maybe you don’t think this is something middle schoolers will get excited about, but just wait. Once you start talking about volcanic eruptions, mountain building, and puzzle-piece-like continents, students will begin to see the appeal. Teaching plate tectonics in a way that […]

Tips for Teaching Multiple Preps

Have you ever tried juggling while riding a unicycle? Probably, not, but you may have experienced something just as challenging: teaching multiple preps. Both are daunting, yet doable with the right practical strategies. Whether you are handling two different grade levels, two different subjects, or a combination of both, here are some practical tips for […]

Black History Month Activities for Science

black history month activities for science

Do you need a content related black history month activity for your science class? Look no further! Take a moment to check out the suggestions below: 1. Black History Periodic Table Creating a Black History Periodic Table not only enriches our understanding of chemistry but also pays homage to the incredible contributions of Black scientists […]

Tips for Running A Middle School Science Fair

So you’re thinking about running a science fair…GOOD FOR YOU! While many middle school science teachers might balk at the concept (and truly, I understand…they ARE a lot of work!!) I really believe that the kinds of projects students will be able to do with the ample time provided for a science or engineering fair offer […]

Extra Credit Ideas for Middle School Teachers

“What can I do for extra credit?!” ​I’m pretty sure there isn’t a middle or high school teacher that hasn’t heard these exact words coming from a student’s mouth. Students are HUGE fans of the concept, and honestly, who can blame them? Another way to boost their grades? Most students will leap at the opportunity (especially […]

Back to School Resources Every Middle School Science Teacher Needs

Back to school resources for middle school science teachers

It’s that time of year again. The new school year is just around the corner and teachers everywhere are heading back into the school building with boxes of classroom supplies and a list of last minute classroom “to-do’s.” When it comes to back to school resources every middle school teacher needs, everyone has their own […]