Invasive Species Ecosystems Project


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Invasive Species Research Project


Introduce ecosystems, or wrap up a unit with some project based learning on invasive species! Your purchase secures both a fully inclusive PDF file for in class projects as well as a comprehensive Google Slides file which can be copied and edited. This digital version will transform your classroom into a completely paperless zone!


This assessment ties together several ecology topics such as resource availability, interactions of organisms, cycling of matter and energy, competition, and the idea that populations are affected by various physical and biological components of ecosystems. Students will investigate how their species has impacted its non-native ecosystem as well as describing planned solutions for maintaining biodiversity.


After students have completed their research, they will film a segment of an imaginary television show called Ecology’s Most Wanted. In their video they will act as a news anchor and cover all the major information about their species and its impact on the ecosystem.


This invasive species project includes:

  • Link to digital version of all student pages
  • A short Introduction Activity covering honey bees and stink bugs. A short reading plus student comprehension questions are included. I highly recommend completing this activity prior to beginning the project to clarify what an invasive species is.
  • Project Description sheets, both expanded and specific, outlining the projects requirements with spaces to fill in due dates.
  • Invasive species list and student signup sheet
  • 3 pages designed to Guide Research for students
  • Source Organizer pages to support good research and citation skills
  • Project Rubric



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My store features 3 full-year middle school science curriculums comprised of over 22 units of study.

Each and every unit comes includes the following:

  • unit guide complete with key vocabulary, suggested pacing, essential questions, and more!
  • Google Slides presentations to cover major topics, with guided notes for students!
  • Reading Comprehension activities with follow up questions. These resources are useful for homework, classwork, sub plans, and more!
  • Assessment: Pretest, study guide, CERs, and final assessment.
  • Projects and labs
  • Webquestscolor by numberstations, and other practice activities.


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NGSS Standards covered:

MS-LS2-2 Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems. Emphasis is on predicting consistent patterns of interactions in different ecosystems in terms of the relationships among and between organisms and abiotic components of ecosystems. Examples of types of interactions could include competitive, predatory, and mutually beneficial.
MS-LS2-4 Construct an argument supported by empirical evidence that changes to physical or biological components of an ecosystem affect populations. Emphasis is on recognizing patterns in data and making warranted inferences about changes in populations, and on evaluating empirical evidence supporting arguments about changes to ecosystems.
MS-LS2-5 Evaluate competing design solutions for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Examples of ecosystem services could include water purification, nutrient recycling, and prevention of soil erosion. Examples of design solution constraints could include scientific, economic, and social considerations.