Just like you, I was once scouring the web for a basic Punnett Square practice worksheet with answers. The the end of this article you’ll find links to all of the best FREE resources, but I ended up being much happier after I made my own. I’d like to share those with you now! All included resources come with an answer key too.
Learn more about how I plan and teach my Inheritance unit.

This 4 page practice comes with a short descriptive passage explaining the key vocabulary required in monohybrid crosses.
Monohybrid Crosses
- Vocabulary Matching
- Practice Identifying Alleles (Dominant, Recessive, Heterozygous, Homozygous)
- Practice Determining Genotypes and Phenotypes
- Punnett Square Practice worksheet with answers

3 whole pages of this product cover blood types alone, and can be split into two separate worksheets if desired.
Codominance and Incomplete Dominance
5 page genetics practice covering co and incomplete dominance. Includes a short reading passage describing what co- and incomplete dominance are and questions of varying levels.
Sex Linked Traits
A 3 page worksheet to practice sex linked Punnett squares with answers. Includes a short reading passage describing how sex linked traits are inherited.
Dihybrid Crosses
3 page practice worksheet which includes one page describing what a dihybrid cross is and how to find the parental gametes.
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Additional FREE Punnett Squares Practice Worksheets with Answers
Monohybrid Crosses:
Co and Incomplete Dominance:
Sex Linked Traits:
Dihybrid Crosses
- Practice Worksheet 1
- Practice Worksheet 2
- Practice Worksheet 3
- Practice Worksheet 4
- Practice Worksheet 5
- Quizizz: Pedigrees
These resources represent the best of what I could find for free. If you would like your resources to be included in this list please contact me at laneyleeteaches@gmail.com
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