Mangrove Forest – Reading Comprehension Worksheets


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Mangrove Forest Reading


You’ve probably already got a lot of lessons for teaching ecology, but maybe you’d like to make it a little more personally relevant and inquiry based this time around! If so, this mangrove forest reading is the perfect resource for you!


This lesson, although intended as a part of an NGSS Storyline on mangrove forests, can be used as a standalone lesson on the following topics:

  • What are mangrove trees?
  • What benefits do mangrove trees provide to their ecosystem?
  • What benefits do mangrove trees provide to humans?
  • Why are mangroves being destroyed?
  • Where can mangrove trees be found?


Lesson Overview:

In this lesson we bring up the perils that the mangroves are facing. Students may or may not be familiar with the mangroves, so the importance of these trees to their ecosystems is explained as well as the threats that they face.


The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the driving question: What would happen if the mangroves disappeared? Students will watch a short video to activate their thinking and then brainstorm thoughts and ideas about the mangroves, including a focus on what additional questions they would need to answer in order to answer the driving question.


After students have taken time to brainstorm individually and share with a partner, the teacher will collect the whole group’s ideas on a poster or using a Padlet for later review.


Then, students will complete the reading passage (individually, in partners, or as a whole group) and answer some questions to build a knowledge base. They will finish off with the question, “As a scientist and conservationist, what would you do next to protect the mangroves?” This question can be discussed and answers recorded for further reference.


Who is this mangrove forest reading resource for?

This resource can be used by classroom teachers, tutors, and parents of students in grades 6-9. It comprehensively covers the topics mentioned, and provides opportunities for student responses which can be implemented in a whole group lesson or assigned for homework.


This lesson is a part of a NGSS storyline unit that addresses the question: What would happen if mangrove forests disappeared?


This resource was originally designed to be used to support the conservation and restoration efforts of the UAE’s rich mangrove forest ecosystems. It has since been modified for use around the world. As a result, two versions of this lesson are provided: one specific to the UAE and one general.


How Can I Use this Resource?

  • Emergency Sub Plans
  • An independent work station in a set of stations
  • Flipped Classroom pre-reading
  • Whole or small group opportunity to model and teach Close Reading strategies and annotation
  • Differentiation – Assign this reading as reteaching for students who have yet to show mastery.
  • Homework
  • Creation of Independent Work Packet for students who are not able to be present for direct instruction.
  • Extension activity for early finishers or for students who show a special interest in the topic
  • Use as a square on a Choice Board
  • Interactive Notebooks: Print 2 pages in one and cut apart. Glue mini pages into notebooks with room for annotations on the side
  • Interactive Notebooks: Print entire PDF as a mini booklet and add to notebooks using these simple instructions.


What’s Included?

  • Student Sheet PDF
  • Student Sheet Digital (Google Docs)
  • 9 Slide Guiding Presentation (Google Slides)


Purchase includes a printable PDF file in color. On page 2 of this resource you will find a link to a student friendly Google Doc version of this file. You will be able to copy this file and use it with Google Classroom or any other paperless initiative.


Please take a look at the preview file to see more of this resource.



Construct an explanation that predicts patterns of interactions among organisms across multiple ecosystems. Emphasis is on predicting consistent patterns of interactions in different ecosystems in terms of the relationships among and between organisms and abiotic components of ecosystems. Examples of types of interactions could include competitive, predatory, and mutually beneficial.

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