Punctuated Equilibrium vs. Gradualism: Tuskless Elephants


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punctuated equilibrium gradualism


Take a look at a real life example of evolution to teach punctuated equilibrium vs. gradualism. Due to high poaching, several elephant populations are now producing a disproportionate amount of tuskless offspring.


In this product, you’ll receive a short, 7 slide PPT to introduce key vocabulary. The two page worksheet asks students a variety of questions based on the National Geographic article listed below. Most importantly, though, students will construct an argument about whether they believe this scenario is an example of punctuated equilibrium or gradualism. Students will also practice using text cited evidence.


Uses the following article: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/11/wildlife-watch-news-tuskless-elephants-behavior-change/


Purchase includes a printable PDF file with answer key. On page 2 and 3 of this resource you will find a links to a student friendly Google Docs version of this file and a link to a Google Slide presentation. You will be able to copy this file and use it with Google Classroom or any other paperless initiative.


Uses for this product on punctuated equilibrium & gradualism:

  • Emergency Sub Plans
  • An independent work station in a set of stations
  • Flipped Classroom pre-reading
  • Differentiation – Assign this as a project for students who are already showing mastery
  • Homework 
  • Creation of Independent Work Packet for students who are not able to be present for direct instruction.
  • Whole or small group opportunity to model and teach Close Reading strategies and annotation
  • Extension activity for early finishers
  • Use as a square on a Choice Board


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  1. Add this resource (and any others) to your cart by clicking “Add to Cart
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My store features 3 full-year middle school science curriculums comprised of over 22 units of study.

Each and every unit comes includes the following:

  • unit guide complete with key vocabulary, suggested pacing, essential questions, and more!
  • Google Slides presentations to cover major topics, with guided notes for students!
  • Reading Comprehension activities with follow up questions. These resources are useful for homework, classwork, sub plans, and more!
  • Assessment: Pretest, study guide, CERs, and final assessment.
  • Projects and labs
  • Webquestscolor by numberstations, and other practice activities.


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