Pros and cons of Amplify Science Curriculum for middle school science teachers.
Pro’s & Con’s: Savaas elevateScience
Pro’s and Con’s of Savaas elevateScience middle school science curriculum
Full Year Physical Science Curriculum
Are you looking for some new physical science lesson inspiration? Is creating lesson plans just too much on top of teaching on top of grading on top of classroom management on top of *ahem* living your life? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’ve come to the right place. I’m about to […]
Back to School Resources Every Middle School Science Teacher Needs
It’s that time of year again. The new school year is just around the corner and teachers everywhere are heading back into the school building with boxes of classroom supplies and a list of last minute classroom “to-do’s.” When it comes to back to school resources every middle school teacher needs, everyone has their own […]
Full Year Earth Science Curriculum for Middle School
Are you ready to crush this school year? Is creating lesson plans just too much on top of teaching on top of grading on top of classroom management on top of *ahem* living your life? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you’ve come to the right place. I’m about to simplify your life […]
End of the Year Science Lesson Ideas
Filler Lesson Ideas
lesson ideas when can’t start a new unit
Metric System Lesson Ideas for Middle School
Ah, the metric system. The base unit system for literally all of science. While students in many countries are used to the metric system and familiar with these units of measurement, for students in the United States who are used to using the English system of measurement, metric conversions require some additional instruction and teaching. […]
Science Themed Movies to Show Your Middle Schoolers
Science movies to show your middle schooelrs
Middle School Lesson Ideas for Teaching The Scientific Method
Middle school lesson ideas for teaching the scientific method.
The Ultimate Guide to Using Interactive Notebooks
A science teacher’s guide to using interactive notebooks.
8 Free Unit Guides for Planning Your Middle School Science Curriculum
8 free unit guides for planning your middle school science curriculum
Full Year Life Science Curriculum for Middle School
How I’m Teaching Cells and Photosynthesis this Year
First off, let me be honest. I hate this unit. I find the cells unit to be a mile wide and an inch deep. The only thing I hate more than cell organelles is photosynthesis and respiration. At my school we teach a discipline of science per year. It’s Earth & Space Science in grade […]
Photosynthesis & Respiration Bundle – Teacher’s Guide
Looking to plan a photosynthesis and respiration unit for your middle school class? Get all the worksheets, quizzes and tests you need in PDF format!